Anti-Aging Medicine

The Senara mantra of Live Life Well comes to full fruition in our Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine services. Our team of highly skilled professionals bring the latest advancements in patient-centered care to Central Illinois. We work closely with each guest to identify and treat the root cause of their toughest health challenges. Utilizing an integrated approach to care, we create customized solutions based on individual needs by incorporating state of the art diagnostics with holistic nutrition principles. Our goal is to help you feel better, live better, and enjoy a longer lifespan as a result.

Anti-Aging medicine focuses on reversing and preventing age-related diseases, dysfunction, and their symptoms. The Senara team, at the leadership of Dr Keith Kramer, is passionate about helping the community live better lives through the practice of Functional Medicine. At the cutting edge of medical advancement, it promises to be the next generation of health care that results in improved patient outcomes.

Anti-Aging Services

Explore our Anti-Aging Services and learn more about Functional Medicine. To request an appointment or inquire more about Senara’s Anti-Aging Center fill out the form at the bottom of the page and we will call you within 24-48 business hours.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.  These products and services are intended to support, not replace, your current medical care. Individual result may vary.